Todays Tides:

Tuesday 11th
February 2025

High: 4.44 m at 01:29
Low: 1.32 m at 07:24
High: 4.62 m at 13:49
Low: 0.69 m at 19:50

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Latest News

The Lurgies car park and walk are now open after the storm damage. The Bridge of Dun is still closed while repairs to the storm damage are carried out. The paths out to the Shelduck and Wigeon hides are open as usual.

From 1st November to 10th February the Visitor Centre is open from Friday to Monday, 10:30am - 4pm .

From 11th February to 31st October the Visitor Centre is open every day, 10:30am - 5pm.

The staff at the Scottish Wildlife Trust Basin Visitor Centre have a
 Facebook page. Check it out for latest sightings and events.

Keep up-to-date with happenings on the Basin with the Blog on the Scottish Wildlife Trust website.

Welcome to the Wildlife of Montrose Basin

Montrose, on the North East coast of Scotland, is notable for its tidal basin. There is a variety of different zones on the Montrose Basin Local Nature Reserve ranging from the mud, fresh water, sea water, brackish water, saltmarsh, reedbed, unimproved grassland and arable land.

Pink footed geese in flight Pink-footed Geese

The Reserve is particularly noted for the birds that breed, feed and roost there, including eider, pink-footed geese, mute swans, redshank, lapwing, pintail and wigeon.

Being a Local Nature Reserve, it is also important for the leisure activities it supports that co-exist with the wildlife - birdwatching, sailing, fishing and wildfowling among others.